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Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Education

Dhono-wareh NAhh yang lagi belajar bahasa Inggris Nihh ada contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang education semoga bermanfaat untuk agan, silahkan bisa di download langsung dari situs aslinya, Berikut adalah cuplikan sedikit dari pidatonya, jujur saya sendiri juga kurang mengerti tentang bahasa Inggris ini memang dasarnya ngak hobi dan ndak berminat tetapi kali ini lumayan bisa sedikit mengenal bahasa Inggris lewat blog sederhana Ini.?

logo dinas pendidikanEnglish Speech Script:
Topic: Education System in Indonesia. Title: Formal Education. Grade: for SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University. Summary: Education in Indonesia is divided into two major parts: formal and non-formal education. It involves three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for the MC and juries who have given me opportunity to deliver this English speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitled “Formal Education in Indonesia”
Brothers and Sisters;
Education system in our country is divided into two major parts, they are formal and non-formal. A formal education is divided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education. While non-formal education is carried out for the learners who get difficulties to meet the requirements in formal education. An example of non-formal education is PLS (Pendidikan Luar Sekolah). Both formal and non-formal education aim at establishing the education process in our country.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
As I have stated previously, formal education involves three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education. Before entering primary or elementary school, children in our country usually have attended kindergarten, or known as Taman Kanak-kanak. But this education is not compulsory for Indonesian citizens, as the aim of this is just to prepare them for primary school.
Children ages 7–12 attend primary education at Elementary School or Sekolah Dasar. This level of education is compulsory for all Indonesian citizens.
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