multi info, hiburan, pengetahuan, dan aneka informasi

Hati-Hati, Undang-Undang Lalu Lintas 2009 !

Waspada sebelum dirazia, perhatikan UU terbaru yang menggantikan UU tahun 1992, UU Nomor 22 Tahun 2009. Undang-Undang yang sudah ditandatangani Presiden SBY pada tanggal 22 Juni 2009, memuat antara lain:

Tidak Memiliki SIM
Menurut Pasal 281, apabila pengendara kendaraan bermotor tidak memiliki Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) bisa dikenakan denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah). Atau di pidana kurungan paling lama 4 bulan. Jadi, selalu bawa SIM Anda setiap kali Anda mengendarai motormu.

Mengemudi Tidak Konsentrasi
Hati hati juga buat biker yang suka menelpon sambil mengendarai motor bisa kena sanksi pasal 283, menurut pasal ini bagi yang mengemudikan Kendaraan Bermotor di Jalan secara tidak wajar dan melakukan kegiatan lain atau dipengaruhi oleh suatu keadaan yang mengakibatkan gangguan konsentrasi dalam mengemudi di Jalan dapat dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 3 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp750.000,00 (tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah).

Kelengkapan Motor
Bagi pengendara roda dua di Jalan yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan laik jalan yang meliputi kaca spion, klakson, lampu utama, lampu rem, lampu penunjuk arah, alat pemantul cahaya, alat pengukur kecepatan, knalpot, dan kedalaman alur ban, mengacu pada Pasal 285 dapat dikenai denda paling banyak Rp250.000,00 (dua ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) atau pidana kurungan paling lama 1 bulan.

Rambu dan Markah
Jangan abaikan rambu dan markah jalan, karena di Pasal 287 Pengendara motor di Jalan yang melanggar aturan perintah atau larangan yang dinyatakan dengan Rambu Lalu Lintas sebagaimana dapat dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp500.000,00 (lima ratus ribu rupiah).

Tidak Bawa STNK
Nah, buat biker yang suka lupa bawa STNK harap waspada, karena menurut Pasal 288, setiap pengendara roda dua di Jalan yang tidak dilengkapi dengan Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor atau surat tanda coba Kendaraan Bermotor yang ditetapkan oleh Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia sebagaimana dapat dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp500.000,00 (lima ratus ribu rupiah).

Helm Standard Buat Penumpang dan Pengemudi
Selalu pakai helm SNI saat mengendarai sepeda motor, baik pengemudi maupun penumpang motor. Karena menurut Pasal 291, bagi setiap pengemudi dan penumpang Sepeda Motor yang tidak mengenakan helm standar nasional Indonesia (SNI) dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama sebulan atau denda paling banyak Rp250.000,00 (dua ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah).

Menyalakan Lampu Utama Malam atau Siang Hari
Selalu nyalakan lampu utama motor Anda di Jalan pada siang maupun malam hari. Karena menurut Pasal 293, karena jika Anda tidak menyalakan lampu utama pada motor Anda di malam hari, Anda bisa dikenakan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama sebulan atau denda paling banyak Rp250.000,00 (dua ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah). Bila sebelumnya ligh on disiang hari hanya dianjurkan, sekarang diwajibkan. Jika tidak menyalakan lampu utama di siang hari dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 15 hari atau denda paling banyak Rp100.000,00 (seratus ribu rupiah).

Belok Kiri Boleh Langsung?
Kalau dulu biker dapat langsung belok kiri meskipun saat itu lampu lalulintas menunjukkan warna merah. Sekarang tidak dibolehkan! Karena menurut UU No. 22 / 2009 Pasal 112, Pengemudi Kendaraan dilarang langsung berbelok kiri, kecuali ditentukan lain oleh Rambu Lalu Lintas atau Alat Pemberi Isyarat Lalu Lintas. Bagi yang melanggar akan ditilang dan dikenakan denda sebesar 250 ribu rupiah.

Momen Obral Laptop di Rusia Yang Berakhir Mengerikan ( Video ! )
More aboutHati-Hati, Undang-Undang Lalu Lintas 2009 !

The Weather Makers

The Weather Makers

The Weather Makers: The History and Future Impact of Climate Change (2005) is a book by Tim Flannery.

The book received critical acclaim, and won the major prize at the 2006 New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards.


The book includes 36 short essays predicting the consequences of global warming. The book reviews evidence of historical climate change and attempts to compare this with the current era. The book argues that if atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to increase at current rates, the resulting climate change will cause mass species extinctions. The book also asserts that global temperatures have already risen enough to cause the annual monsoon rains in the Sahel region of Africa to diminish, causing droughts and desertification. This in turn, according to Flannery, has caused the conflict in the Darfur region through competition for disappearing resources. Further consequences, argued in the book, include increasing hurricane intensity, and decline in the health of coral reefs.

The final third of the book discusses proposed solutions. Flannery advocates individual action as well as international and governmental actions. He argues that a few industries such as the coal industry, currently responsible for 40% of the energy consumed in the U.S., remain opponents of needed action. The book retraces the evidence that the administration, motivated by coal-industry donations to the Republican party, undermines political action by omitting mention of climate change from government documents. The book cites evidence against the argument that conservation is bad for economies.

More aboutThe Weather Makers

Daftar Gaji Pejabat Telkom !

Belakangan-belakangan ini sering kita dengar kontroversi menaikkan gaji para pejabat tinggi negara, ternyata gaji pejabat negara tersebut masih kalah oleh petinggi-petinggi perusahaan BUMN,

yang di mana seharusnya para menteri-menteri tersebut adalah atasan mereka.

Seperti di kutip vivanews, salah satu contohnya gaji petinggi-petinggi di PT.Telkom Indonesia. Seperti disebutkan dalam laporan keuangan Telkom tahun 2008 yang juga dipublikasikan melalui pasar modal, penghasilan direksi BUMN ini cukup mencengangkan.

Selama satu tahun penghasilan orang nomor satu Telkom adalah Rp 7,53 miliar. Jika dihitung rata-rata per bulan, Rinaldi Firmansyah yang menjabat Direktur Utama Telkom akan memperoleh penghasilan Rp 627,5 juta setiap bulannya.
Direktur yang memperoleh gaji terbesar kedua adalah Arief Yahya, Direktur Enterprise & Wholesale Telkom sebesar Rp 7,49 miliar.

Berikut ini perincian gaji direksi dan komisaris perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia tersebut seperti disebutkan dalam laporan keuangan BUMN ini.

Gaji Dewan Direksi PT Telkom (dalam juta rupiah)

Direksi Gaji Tunjangan Asuransi Tunjangan Lain Total
Rinaldi Firmansyah 1.800,0 3.591,4 342,9 1.795,5 7.529,6
Faisal Syam 1.620,0 2.739,2 308,6 1.591,2 6.259,7
Sudiro Asno 1.620,0 2.739,2 308,6 1.938,9 6.606,7
Ermady Dahlan 1.620,0 2.739,2 308,6 2.089,0 6.756,8
I Nyoman G 1.620,0 2.739,2 308,6 1.513,6 6.181,4
Arief Yahya 1.620,0 3.287,0 308,6 2.282,4 7.498,0

Gaji Dewan Komisaris Telkom (dalam juta rupiah)

Komisaris Gaji Tunjangan Asuransi Tunjangan Lain Total
Tanri Abeng 900,0 1.765,2 - 796,8 3,462,0
Arif Arryman 810,0 1.588,7 - 743,1 3.141,8
P Sartono 810,0 1.588,7 - 713,1 3.111,8
Mahmuddin Yasin 810,0 821,8 - 713,1 2.344,9
Anggito Abimanyu 405,0 1.588,7 - 405,7 2.399,4
Bobby AA Nazief 202,5 - - 304,1 506,6

Sumber :

>>> Hantu Mengerikan Muncul di Jepang ( Serem - Video ! ) <<<
More aboutDaftar Gaji Pejabat Telkom !

Malaysia Mengklaim Bunga Raflesia Arnoldi !

Klaim Malaysia terhadap bunga Raflesia Arnoldi membangkitkan semangat Kelompok Peduli Puspa Langka Desa Tebat Monok, Kabupaten Kepahiang untuk melestarikan habitat flora langka itu.

"Terus terang kami sakit hati mengetahui dari media bahwa Malaysia juga mengklaim bunga Raflesia," kata Ketua Kelompok Peduli Puspa Langka Holidin, Minggu (25/10).

Padahal, semangat masyarakat sudah berkurang untuk menjaga setiap bunga yang mekar di kawasan Hutan Lindung dan Cagar Alam Taba Penanjung.

Dengan adanya klaim tersebut, anggota kelompok kembali bersemangat membersihkan kawasan dua bunga Raflesia yang mekar di perbatasan Kota Bengkulu-Kepahiang sejak dua hari terakhir.

"Ada dua yang mekar, posisinya 200 meter dari jalan raya. Sebenarnya kami tidak semangat membuka jalan karena medannya curam, tetapi mengingat klaim Malaysia atas Raflesia, semangat anggota kelompok jadi tinggi," katanya.

Holidin mengatakan satu bunga sedang mekar sempurna dan diperkirakan masih mekar hingga empat hari ke depan.

Bunga yang mekar tersebut berada di kemiringan 65 derajat dengan diameter 80 cm, dan dapat dinikmati pengunjung hingga 12 hari ke depan sebelum membusuk.

Satu bunga lainnya masih mulai membuka kuncup dan diperkirakan mekar sempurna enam hari lagi. Selain dua bunga tersebut, kelompok ini juga menemukan dua calon bunga sebesar bola kaki, dan lima yang sebesar bola kasti.

Diperkirakan hingga satu bulan ke depan calon bunga itu akan berbunga secara bergantian. "Jadi, pengunjung punya banyak kesempatan untuk melihat bunga ini di habitatnya langsung," katanya.

Selain tujuh calon bunga tersebut, Holidin yang saat ini sedang membersihkan lokasi bunga dan merintis jalan setapak bagi pengunjung mengatakan enam inang bunga Raflesia juga menunjukkan tanda-tanda calon bunga yang biasa disebut tombol.

Jumlah tombol, belum bisa dipastikan karena pihaknya belum menghitung. "Kelihatannya banyak calon bunga yang akan muncul karena ada enam inang yang kami temukan dengan banyak tombol, atau benjolan calon bunga," katanya.

Holidin dan timnya telah membuat tanda bagi pengunjung dengan memasang papan di pinggir jalan raya, dan kelompok tersebut juga telah membuka jalan setapak untuk pengunjung yang berniat menikmati flora langka itu.

Obral Laptop di Rusia Yang Berakhir Mengerikan ( Video ! )
More aboutMalaysia Mengklaim Bunga Raflesia Arnoldi !

Di India, Kalau Melamar Gadis Harus Punya Toilet !

Sebagian besar ibu di India ingin anak perempuannya menikah dengan seorang pria yang memberikan kehidupan yang baik. Karena itu, di pedesaan India, perempuan yang akan menikah meminta mahar pernikahan yang tidak lazim yaitu toilet.

"Tidak ada toilet maka tidak ada mempelai wanita" hal ini menjadi seruan yang umum di India. Hal ini disebabkan oleh rendahnya kualitas kebersihan di sana. Untuk itu, memiliki toilet sendiri saat ini menjadi bagian dari hak asasi manusia, terutama di desa-desa dimana mendapatkan air bersih saja sulit.

Hal ini dikampanyekan oleh seorang wanita bernama Sunariyan Kalan yang tinggal di utara negara bagian Haryana. Sumitra Rathi mengatakan bahwa wanita desa tidak memiliki pilihan selain menyerah dengan tidak adanya privasi karena tidak memiliki toilet dalam rumah mereka.

Bagi wanita desa, mereka harus mandi ketika matahari belum terbit atau ketika kegelapan malam sudah menutupi bumi. Atau mereka harus keluar mandi di ladang dan menanggung malu. Oleh karena itu mereka tidak ingin putrid-putri mereka mengalami hal yang sama.

Sebagai anggota dari dewan daerah setempat, Rathi telah membantu membangun toilet di 250 rumah di Snariyan Kalan sejak 1996.

Kebutuhan akan toilet sangat besar di India. Mereka harus membangun 112.000 toilet setiap hari jika ingin mencapai tujuan yang telah mereka tetapkan untuk mengentaskan masalah sanitasi pada 2012 nanti, demikian keterangan dari Kementrian Pembangunan Pedesaan.

Selain menjadikan toilet mahar bagi mereka yang ingin menikah, pemerintah juga memberikan insentif untuk mereka yang membuat toilet dirumahnya. Setiap toilet yang mereka buat, sebagai gantinya mereka akan menerima 2,200 Rs atau sekitar Rp.450.000.-

Lucu juga kalau meminta toilet sebagai mahar pernikahan, namun untuk kehidupan yang sehat memang masalah sanitasi adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting. Beruntunglah untuk Anda yang bisa menikmati sanitasi yang baik karena masih banyak mereka yang untuk mendapatkan air bersih saja sulit.

Sumber : CNN

Obral Laptop di Rusia Yang Berakhir Mengerikan ( Video ! )
More aboutDi India, Kalau Melamar Gadis Harus Punya Toilet !

3 Alasan Mengapa Belok Kiri Tidak Boleh Langsung !

Larangan belok kiri langsung tertuang dalam UU No 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Umum. Ada beberapa faktor mengapa aturan ini diterapkan.

"Alasannya, pertama untuk memberikan jaminan keselamatan ke penyeberang jalan," kata Direktur Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Condro Kirono saat dihubungi wartawan.

Menurutnya, pengendara yang berbelok kiri langsung selama ini tidak memberikan peluang bagi pejalan kaki untuk menyeberang. "Jadi, kendaraan yang mau belok kiri langsung berbelok tanpa memberikan kesempatan ke pejalan kaki meskipun lampu sudah merah untuk yang lurus," jelasnya.

Selain itu, geometrik persimpangan-persimpangan yang ada di wilayah Jakarta tidak semuanya diperbolehkan untuk belok kiri langsung. "Padahal tidak ada rambu 'belok kiri langsung', tapi orang memaksakan untuk belok kiri langsung," paparnya.

Alasan ketiga, penerapan aturan tersebut untuk menumbuhkan kepatuhan terhadap rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan marka jalan. "Misalnya, kalau lampu merah orang belok kiri langsung itu kan menunjukkan ketidakdisiplinan," imbuhnya.

Condro mengatakan, peraturan tersebut berlaku universal. Di beberapa negara maju seperti Jepang dan Singapura, aturan tersebut sudah diterapkan sejak lama.

"Di sana tidak diperbolehkan belok kiri langsung karena menimbulkan kecelakaan," tegasnya.

Kadang-2 Cewek Juga Bisa Sangat Berbahaya ( Video ! )

More about3 Alasan Mengapa Belok Kiri Tidak Boleh Langsung !

Alasan Pria Berpoligami ( Menarik ! )

Wanita mana yang tidak kesal mendengar lirik lagu bertajuk “Beristri Dua” yang dinyanyikan musisi Ahmad Dani. Anehnya, tetap saja masih banyak pria yang melakukan poligami. Sebenarnya apakah poligami berbeda dari selingkuh? Dan, apa alasan pria melakukannya?

Menurut psikolog, Maria Susanti, tak jauh berbeda dari perselingkuhan, poligami diawali dengan adanya wanita lain di hari seorang pria selain sang istri. “Karena itu, poligami umumnya diawali dari perselingkuhan,” kata Maria.

Pendapat ini didukung oleh pelawak Kiwil, yang mengaku ia berpoligami, karena tak ingin menyudahi hubungannya dengan wanita lain selain istrinya. Karena istrinya menyetujui, ia pun menikahi wanita tersebut untuk menjadi istri keduanya.

Jika pria berpoligami, biasanya selalu ada kilah yang bisa dimanfaatkan pria untuk menjelaskan alasan mereka. Katanya, pria berpoligami tidak untuk menikmati seks yang lebih menggebu-gebu dengan wanita yang lebih muda, atau lebih langsing. Benarkah?

Menurut Maria, di luar adanya unsur agama, alasan pria melakukan poligami memang bisa bermacam-macam. “Entah itu, bertemu WIL (wanita idaman lain) yang lebih menarik atau perhatian. Atau, memang ada kesempatan untuk melakukan poligami. Tapi, memang tak bisa dipungkiri, istri kadangkala bisa punya andil pria melakukan poligami,” ujar Maria menjelaskan.

Berikut beberapa alasan hati pria berpaling ke wanita lain, yang bisa berujung peda poligami:

1. Tak Tahan Godaan.

Tak ada kucing yang menolak ikan, begitu anekdot untuk para pria mata keranjang. Siapa yang tahan digoda perempuan cantik? Sekuat-kuatnya pertahanan, lama-lama runtuh juga.

2.Butuh tantangan.

Beberapa pria menganggap poligami seperti tantangan. Butuh nyali besar dan kepintaran atur strategi untuk memiliki dua pendamping hidup. Selain itu, mereka juga tak bisa lupa asyiknya menaklukkan lawan jenisnya.

3. Stres

Hati pria bisa mendua bisa karena stres berlebihan. Bila wanita bertemu teman wanitanya, misal teman kerja, saat dalam keadaan stres, teman wanitanya akan merasakannya dan berusaha menghiburnya, mencoba membantu menghilangkan kecemasannya, tanpa diminta. Perhatian itulah yang bisa berbuah menjadi benih-benih perselingkuhan.

4. Tak ingin terlihat lemah

Di mata sesama teman prianya, pria bisa terlihat jagoan jika bisa menaklukkan wanita lain selain istrinya. Hal itu bisa menjadi kebanggaan untuknya.

Manusia Paling Menakutkan di Dunia !
More aboutAlasan Pria Berpoligami ( Menarik ! )

Angelina Jolie Pernah Tiduri Pacar Ibunya !

Jika gosip ini benar, Angelina Jolie sungguh keterlaluan. Betapa tidak, dia ternyata pernah tidur dengan kekasih ibunya. Gile.

Setidaknya begitulah yang tertuang dalam biografi terbarunya. Biografi ini dibikin penulis kontroversial, Andrew Morton. Dia menuduh Jolie tidur dengan kekasih ibunya, Marcheline Bertrands, saat dia masih berusia 16.

Kabarnya, Jolie sangat berduka ketika ibunya meninggal dunia karena kanker pada 2007. Saat meninggal, Marcheline berusia 56.

Hubungan keduanya dikabarkan buruk. Kedua wanita itu berusaha membangun hubungan yang harmonis setelah Jolie mengaku kepada ibunya tentang peristiwa yang memalukan itu.

"Marcheline memiliki kekasih yang sangat dia cintai. Tapi, Angie tidur dengannya ketika dia masih berusia 16. Ibunya memergoki mereka dan mengakhiri hubungan dengan pria itu," kata sebuah sumber.

Saat Jolie mengakui kisah itu kepada saudara laki-lakinya, James, beberapa waktu lalu, dia bahkan berpaling darinya. Jolie sulit menemukan orang yang menyukai atau masih percaya pada dirinya.

Belakangan, Jolie dilaporkan membangun kembali hubungan dengan ayahnya, Jon Voight. Hubungan keduanya di masa lalu juga buruk.

Manusia Paling Menakutkan di Dunia !
More aboutAngelina Jolie Pernah Tiduri Pacar Ibunya !

MUI Tidak Bertanggung Jawab Atas Sertifikat Halal !

Majelis Ulama Indonesia tidak akan bertanggung jawab terhadap sertifikat halal yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah. Hal ini terkait dengan dikeluarkannya UU Jaminan Produk Halal (JPH) yang menyebabkan sertifikasi halal berada di bawah domain Menteri Agama.

”Jika nanti kemudian pemerintah, dalam hal ini Depag atau badan lembaga di bawah Depag yang mengeluarkan sertifikat halal, maka MUI tidak bertanggungjawab atas sertifikat halal yang dikeluarkan,” ujar K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, Ketua MUI.

Lebih lanjut, Ma’ruf mengatakan bahwa MUI akan tetap mengeluarkan sertifikasi halal meskipun pemerintah mengesahkan UU JPH tersebut. ”Karena MUI tidak akan terlibat di dalamnya, jika kemudian pemerintah bersama DPR memaksakan RUU ini dan pemerintah yang akan menerbitkan sertifikasi halal,” ucapnya..

K.H. Ma’ruf Amin menambahkan, seharusnya Menteri Agama, Suryadharma Ali dapat bersikap bijak terkait UU JPH. ”Artinya, Menag bisa memahami bahwa sertifikasi halal merupakan kewenangan MUI dan bukan pemerintah. Dengan demikian Menag bisa mengubah RUU Jaminan Produk Halal terkait kewenangan sertifikasi dan standardisasi Jaminan Produk Halal dan dikembalikan seperti semula bahwa itu merupakan kewenangan MUI,” tegasnya.

RUU Jaminan Produk Halal dibahas oleh Komisi VII DPR. RUU ini terdiri dari 12 bab, 44 pasal, dan 75 ayat dan telah diajukan Dirjen Bimas Islam Departemen Agama, Nasaruddin Umar, ke DPR untuk dibahas menjadi UU. Latar belakang dikeluarkannya RUU ini karena meningkatnya pangsa pasar produk halal dunia yang mencapai US$580 miliar pada tahun 2008, dan diperkirakan meningkat 9,3 persen di tahun 2009. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Presiden World Halal Forum (WHF), Saleh Abdullah Kamel. Sementara itu, menurut CEO International Halal Integrity (IHI), Darhim Hashim, pasar produk halal terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, baik di negara muslim maupun non muslim seperti AS dan Eropa. Oleh karena itu, dengan dikeluarkannya UU Halal ini diharapkan masyarakat tidak ragu mengkonsumsi berbagai produk makanan, makanan olahan, obat-obatan, dan kosmetika di pasar tradisional maupun modern.

Namun, UU ini juga akan mengeliminasi peran MUI, khususnya Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI) yang selama 20 tahun ini telah mengeluarkan lebih dari 11.500 sertifikasi halal dari 80.000 jenis produk makanan, obat-obatan, kosmetik, kimia biologik dan rekayasa genetika yang beredar di Indonesia. Dengan disahkannya UU Halal, dapat dipastikan Depag akan mengambil alih peran lembaga audit sertifikasi halal yang selama ini dilaksanakan oleh LPPOM dan Komisi Fatwa MUI.

Depag melalui Sekjennya, Dr. Bahrul Hayat, mengatakan bahwa nantinya MUI akan diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem yang ada, artinya kewenangan utama tetap dipegang Menteri Agama, sementara Komisi Fatwa MUI hanya bertugas memberikan fatwa alias tukang stempel saja.

Jika ini terjadi, tidak dipungkiri bahwa UU ini akan terkesan komersial dan rentan dengan tarik-menarik kepentingan. Lebih jauh, LPPOM MUI yang disebut-sebut sebagai lembaga sertifikasi halal paling standar dan terbaik di dunia dengan pengalamannya selama 20 tahun akan tersingkirkan. Padahal, akhir-akhir ini 11 lembaga sertifikasi dari 11 negara di Asia, Australia, Eropa dan AS telah belajar soal sertifikasi halal ke MUI, bahkan standar sertifikasi halalnya telah diikuti dan digunakan di berbagai negara. Tahun lalu saja sebanyak 100 peserta dari berbagai negara mengikuti pelatihan sertifikasi halal di LPPOM MUI. (Ind)


Manusia Paling Menakutkan di Dunia !
More aboutMUI Tidak Bertanggung Jawab Atas Sertifikat Halal !

10 Gempa Bumi Paling Mematikan di Dunia !

1. Gempa Bumi Shaanxi
Gempa bumi paling mematikan dalam sejarah yang terjadi pada 14
Februari 1556 di Shaanxi,
Cina diperkirakan menewaskan tidak kurang
dari 830.000 orang. Gempa bumi ini tercatat sebesar 8.0 skala richter.

2. Gempa Bumi Tangshan
Gempa bumi ini terjadi pada 28 Juli 1976 di Tangshan Hebei,
china. Gempa bumi ini diperkirakan menewaskan sekitar 255.000 orang.
Gempa ini berlangsung pada pagi hari dan diperkirakan berlangsung dalam
waktu 10 detik dengan skala 8.o Richter.

3. Gempa Bumi Haiyuan
Gempa bumi yang terjadi pada 16 Desember 1920 di kota Haiyuan,
Ningxia, China ini mengakibatkan setidaknya 240.000 jiwa melayang.
Besarnya gempa Haiyun sekitar 7.8-8.5 skala richter.

4. Gempa Bumi Aleppo
Gempa bumi yang berpusat di kota Aleppo, Syria pada 11 Oktober
1138 ini menewaskan setidaknya 230.000 orang. Besarnya gempa yang
terukur sebesar 8.5 skala richter.

5. Gempa Bumi Samudera India
Gempa bumi ini terjadi pada 26 Desember 2004 di Samudra Hindia,
lepas pantai barat Aceh. Gempa ini berkekuatan 9.3 skala Richter, yang
merupakan gempa bumi terbesar di asia tenggara dalam kurun waktu 40
tahun belakangan ini. Gempa bumi ini juga menyebabkan terjadinya
gelombang tsunami dan menewaskan kurang lebih 230.000 jiwa.

6. Gempa Bumi Damghan
Gempa bumi ini berpusat di negara Iran pada tahun 856 dan menewaskan setidaknya 200.000 jiwa.

7. Gempa Bumi Ardabil
Gempa bumi yang mengakibatkan korban jiwa sebesar 150.000 jiwa ini berpusat di Iran pada tahun 893.

8. Gempa Bumi Hokkaidō
Gempa bumi Hokkaidō terjadi di Jepang pada tahun 1730 dan menewaskan sekurangnya 137.000 jiwa melayang.

9. Gempa Bumi Ashgabat
Gempa bumi ini menewaskan sekitar 110.000 korban jiwa di
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan pada 5 Oktober 1948. Gempa bumi tercatat sebesar
7.3 skala richter.

10. Gempa Bumi Kanto
Gempa bumi Kanto berpusat di dataran Kanto di Pulau Honshu Jepang
pada tanggal 1 September 1923 dan menewaskan sekitar 105.000 orang.
Gempa bumi ini diperkirakan sebesar 7.9-8.4 skala richter.

More about10 Gempa Bumi Paling Mematikan di Dunia !

Hati-Hati Terhipnotis Ice Cream !

Saat melihat papan reklame iklan es krim di pinggir jalan ketika perut kosong, membuat Anda ingin segera menyantap makanan lezat tersebut? Jika iya jawabannya, Anda mungkin telah terhipnotis. Lho?

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan UT Southwestern Medical Center, Amerika Serikat menemukan bahwa lemak dari beberapa makanan seperti burger dan es krim dapat mempengaruhi otak Anda seperti yang detikhot kutip dari foxnews, Kamis (24/9/2009).

Pada dasarnya, manusia akan berhenti makan ketika ia sudah merasa cukup. Namun jika memakan sesuatu yang enak, maka sulit untuk berhenti hingga perut sudah tidak mampu lagi menampungnya. Hal ini dikarenakan molekul lemak tersebut memicu otak untuk mengirim pesan ke sel-sel tubuh untuk mengabaikan sinyal hormon penekan selera makan. Hormon-hormon yang ditekan tersebut adalah leptin dan insulin.

Penelitian dilakukan kepada tikus percobaan dengan memberikan mereka berbagai injeksi lemak langsung ke otak, tiga kali sehari. Hasil yang spesifik terhadap para tikus percobaan. Para peneliti juga menemukan jenis lemak tertentu di daging sapi,mentega, keju, dan susu yang dapat 'menghipnotis' otak Anda agar tidak berhenti makan.

Sumber ;

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Waterworld is a 1995 post-apocalyptic science fiction film. The film was directed by Kevin Reynolds, co-written by Peter Rader and David Twohy based on Rader's original 1986 screenplay and stars Kevin Costner, who also produced it. It was distributed by Universal Pictures.

The film release was accompanied by a tie-in novel and video game, and also two popular themed attractions at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Japan based on the film, called Waterworld: A Live Sea War Spectacular, which are both still running as of 2009.

Factions within the film

After the doomsday event of flooding caused by global warming melting the ice caps and end of civilization, the ramshackle remnants of the human race who survived the deluge now live in large floating constructs made up of various rusty junk and grimy debris found floating on the ocean; these watery settlements are called atolls after the similar type of island which no longer exist. The dwellers of atolls are a nautical society, albeit a gritty, primitive and superstitious one, with a patriarchal structure.

The atollers refer to anybody outside their atoll as "outwaters", and are very suspicious of them. On occasion, however, drifters are permitted entry in to the atolls, but only temporarily, and only if they can show the guards and/or enforcers they have something of value to trade with, such as food, plants, seeds, cigarettes, paper, dirt, and "hydro" (fresh water).

Due to the extreme limitation of living space in the settlements, and also the sparse resources, the atoll elders limit the number of citizens to a steady and constant number, thus avoiding the issue of overpopulation. Since there is no ground to bury the dead in, the dead are placed in a yellow brine pool, whereupon they are "recycled". Occasionally, drifters are asked to mate with the women of the atolls to expand on the shallow gene pool of the inhabitants, in an attempt to avoid inbreeding and also a population bottleneck situation, meaning they are an exogamous society. However, the only time women are permitted to try for a child is when a citizen of the atoll dies, thus keeping the population number steady.


Drifters ply the water in boats, yachts, catamarans, and trimarans. They have a rule whereby whenever two drifters come across each other, something "must be traded" between them, although as seen in the film many are driven by desperation to try and steal from each other. Drifters are almost always loners. As seen in the film, some drifters are driven insane by their long and seemingly endless solitude on the waves.

As well as speaking English as a common tongue, Drifters also speak in Hindi. Another language used on Waterworld is "Portu-Greek," which is an apparent amalgamation of Portuguese and Greek used at some outlying trading posts.

Aquatic human mutants

Some humans have spent so long in aquatic environments that they developed or were genetically engineered to have genetic mutations to their environment; they have webbed feet, which enable them to swim at inhumanly high speeds, and gills located behind the ears, which enable them to breathe underwater.

Mutants are able to keep ordinary humans from drowning underwater by transferring the oxygen to them via kiss of life. In the film, Old Gregor (Michael Jeter) refers to these gills as "isotropic gills", and functional as opposed to vestigial. They also have excellent vision underwater, and in addition to their speed and stealth, they are also very strong. They also have the sense of electroreception either above or below the water, being able to tell when it is about to rain, or when a storm is approaching. Their bodies are apparently very tough, being able to resist the intense water pressure at the ocean floor, and having explored much of the previous drowned civilization.

Old Gregor refers to these genetic mutants as Ichthyus Sapiens (Latin for "wise fish"), although it is unclear as to whether this is an established term for the mutants or one that Gregor simply made up. The other less educated atollers refer to them as "mut-o".

The protagonist and antihero of the film, the nameless Mariner (portrayed by Kevin Costner), is such a mutant, although no more mutants are seen in the film. However, from certain lines of dialogue in the film, it is clear there are more of his kind. The leader of the smokers, the Deacon (portrayed by Dennis Hopper), refers to the protagonist as a "guppy freak", and, in line with his quasi-religious nature, believes that no such "abominations" could exist in nature. It is stated that Ichthyus Sapiens do not need to eat for days on end.


Pirates are known commonly as "smokers" because of the smoke from oil-power machines, such as personal water craft and aeroplanes, which they make use of. They also apply great cultural significance to the smoking of cigarettes, even to the point of giving their children cigarettes, and trade in a brand of cigarettes referred to as "Black Death".

The smokers obtain many of their wares as marauders and by raiding the settlements of the featureless surface of Waterworld. Many smokers appear to be quite sadistic and revel in murder and carnage; often their reputation precedes them.

The base of the smokers is the rusted old carcass of an oil tanker, referred to as the Deez, which is revealed to be the Exxon Valdez in a brief shot. Although the tanker no longer has any functional engines, the smokers still have a large supply of crude oil aboard the tanker, and apparently a small oil refinery, as they are able to refine the crude oil into gasoline to power the jet skis and planes they make use of. The Deacon also mentions refining but states that they are running out of "the black stuff" and the "go-juice" rapidly, and that they only have "two lunars" (or months) left of it. The smokers have also hoarded large quantities of firearms, heavy artillery, ammunition, spam, paper, tobacco, cigarettes and whiskey aboard the tanker. The smokers move the tanker by use of dozens of oars that stick out of the foam-encrusted hull.

The captain of the tanker and also the leader of the smokers is looked up to as a messianic figure, as he has promised to lead the smokers to the mythical "dry land", and in line with this quasi-religious nature, he is referred to as "Deacon". The Deacon, or "Deac", has an intense hatred for anything of the old world, especially sails, instead preferring the mechanical machines, and believes that his aim to raid atolls is a "crusade". He teaches his men a philosophy of "take and ye shall receive." The smokers also worship a former historical captain of the tanker, Joseph Hazelwood, as "Saint Joe".

The Deacon's inner circle is well organized and includes a man with medical knowledge, and a man who follows the Deacon around with a ledger and a top hat who records everything which happens for posterity, and also informs the Deacon of various statistics he needs to know. The Deacon's lieutenant or second-in-command is a large and imposing man of Scandinavian descent, referred to as "the Nord", who is reminiscent of a viking. The Nord likes to be in the thick of the action and delights in murder, leading the raids on atolls and also posing as a spy for reconnaissance. Smokers refer to each other as "cousins".

The primary goal of the smokers in the film is to find an orphan girl named Enola (Tina Majorino), who as myth states came from the legendary "dry land", and has directions to it on a tattoo placed on her back. What the Deacon plans to do with "dry land" is unclear though. In the extended cut, the Deacon claims he wishes to create a "church of eternal growth" for the smokers.


Although not seen in the film, slave traders are talked about and mentioned throughout. This would suggest that there is an active slave trade in Waterworld, although in the theatrical cut of the film this slave trade is little elaborated on, nor do we see what form this slave trade takes. In the extended cut of the film, it makes clear that the ruthless Mariner's initial intentions are to sell Helen and Enola to slave traders, but relents as he grows to know them.

Border outposts

Although there is no longer any land, certain areas of Waterworld are set out as clear territories for the various factions and groups who dwell on the water's surface. The borders of these territories are defined by the outposts on the outskirts of the territories. It appears they also act as trading outposts, repair shops and lighthouses. The outpost keepers speak in "Portu-Greek". Only one such outpost is seen in the film, in which the outpost keepers have been killed by the smokers who attempt to lay a trap for the Mariner at the outpost.

Plot summary

The setting of the film is the distant future, although no exact date is given. (Suggested as 2500.) The polar ice caps have completely melted, and the sea level has risen many thousands of feet, covering all the land. An antihero known only as "the Mariner" (Kevin Costner), is a drifter who sails the Earth in his trimaran. He comes into an atoll seeking to trade his dirt, which is now a precious commodity. There, it is revealed that he is a mutant with webbed feet and gills, a new step in evolution to accommodate the changes in climate. The atollers, fearful of him, vote to "recycle" him by drowning him in a yellow sludge-like brine pool. At this moment, pirates known as "smokers" arrive in a raid on the atoll, as they have been tipped off by a smoker spy posing as a trader (Gerard Murphy), known as "the Nord".

The smokers are searching for an orphan girl living there named Enola, who has what appears to be directions to dry land tattooed on her back. Her caretaker is Helen (Jeanne Tripplehorn), the atoll's shopkeeper, and they plan to escape with Gregor (Michael Jeter), the atoll's expert on hydroelectric power and resident astrologer and inventor, in the hopes of finding dry land. Unfortunately, Gregor's escape method, a hot air balloon made of old rags, launches too early with him on it, leaving Helen and Enola stranded. Instead, they escape with the Mariner, who agrees to take them with him as they saved his life, but seems ill-pleased with their company as he prefers solitude. Chasing them is "the Deacon" (Dennis Hopper), who is the captain of a derelict oil tanker, the Exxon Valdez, and the leader of the smokers. He also wants to get to dry land, and has a number of skirmishes with the Mariner in his attempts to get Enola back.

Helen, convinced that dry land exists, demands to know where the Mariner finds his dirt. The Mariner, who can breathe underwater, puts her in a diving bell, and swims down to a sunken city on the ocean floor and grabs a handful of earth. While they are beneath the ocean's surface, the Deacon and his smokers board the boat. The Mariner and Helen escape as the Deacon burns it and captures Enola. Since Helen cannot breathe underwater, the Mariner breathes for the both of them, resulting in a prolonged underwater kiss of life. They are later rescued by Gregor and he takes them to a new makeshift atoll where the survivors of the first atoll attack have regrouped.

Using a jetski, the Mariner chases down the Exxon Valdez and boards it. There, the Deacon is having a great celebration, during which he tosses gifts of cigarettes and spam to the crew of the tanker, proclaiming they have found the map to dry land. After they have all gone below the ship to row, the Mariner walks out onto the deck and threatens to drop a flare into the oil reserves unless the Deacon releases Enola. The Deacon, believing that the Mariner is bluffing, refuses. The Mariner drops the flare down into the oil reserves.

The ship explodes, and the Mariner escapes with Enola rescued by climbing a rope dropped by Gregor from his balloon. The Deacon, still alive, grabs the rope and tries to pull Enola. The Deacon loses his grip and falls into the water. Still alive, he pulls out his pistol and shoots at the balloon, hitting one of the lines, causing Enola to fall back into the sea. The Deacon and two other Smokers, all on jet skis, converge on Enola. The Mariner ties a rope around his ankle and bungee jumps down to grab Enola, pulling her out of the water as the three jet skis collide and explode.

Gregor figures out the map, translating the Oriental symbols using an old and tattered China Airlines magazine, and realises they are latitude and longitude coordinates and steers his balloon in that direction. The group indeed finds dry land, which turns out to be a portion of Mt. Everest, which is still above sea level. As Gregor, Enola, Helen and the others land on the island and find past traces of civilization, including the skeletons of Enola's parents, they begin to start civilization anew on the island, but the Mariner decides to leave. Enola, saddened to hear the Mariner leaving, asks why he must go. He explains that he doesn't belong on dry land, and that the ocean, his only home, calls out to him. He finds a new boat near the beach, and sails off. Enola and Helen look out to him drifting away, back to his old life.


* Kevin Costner – The Mariner
* Jeanne Tripplehorn – Helen
* Tina Majorino – Enola
* Dennis Hopper – The Deacon
* Gerard Murphy - The Nord
* Michael Jeter – Old Gregor
* R.D. Call – Enforcer at the Atoll
* Jack Black - Smoker Plane Pilot
* John Toles-Bey - Ed, Smoker Plane Gunner
* Robert Joy - Ledger Guy
* John Fleck - Smoker Doctor
* Kim Coates – Crazed Drifter
* Sab Shimono – Elder of the Atoll
* Leonardo Cimino - Elder of the Atoll
* Jack Kehler – Banker
* Rick Aviles – Gatesman at the Atoll
* Sean Whalen – Bone
* Lee Arenberg - Djeng
* Robert LaSardo - Smitty
* William Preston - Depth Gauge
* Chris Douridas - Atoller

Kevin Costner and Dennis Hopper would co-star 13 years later in the film Swing Vote (2008 film), while Jeanne Tripplehorn and Tina Majorino would later co-star on the series Big Love.


The film was the follow-up project to the last collaboration between Kevin Costner and Kevin Reynolds, who previously worked together on Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in 1991. The film was co-written by David Twohy, who went on to also write G.I. Jane, Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick. Twohy cited Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior as a major inspiration, which has the same director of photography as Waterworld, Dean Semler.

Gene Hackman, James Caan and Gary Oldman all turned down the role of the Deacon. Anna Paquin was the first choice to play Enola.

During production, the film became notorious as it was plagued by a series of cost overruns and production setbacks. Universal Pictures initially authorized a budget of $100 million, but ballooning production costs eventually ran to an estimated $175 million, a record sum for a film production at the time. Filming took place in a large artificial sea water enclosure similar to that used in the film Titanic two years later; it was located in the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of Hawaii. The final scene was filmed in a valley on the Big Island, Waipio Valley, also referred to as The Valley of Kings. The production was hampered by the collapse of this multi-million dollar set during a hurricane. Additional filming also took place in Los Angeles, Huntington Beach, California, and Santa Catalina Island, Channel Islands, California.

Kevin Costner was on the set 157 days, working 6 days a week. At one point, he nearly died when he got caught up in a squall while tied to the mast of his trimaran. Laird Hamilton, the famous big wave rider was Kevin Costner’s stunt double for many water scenes. Hamilton, who had been commuting to the set via jet-ski, was lost at sea when his jet-ski ran out of fuel between Maui and the Big Island. He drifted for many hours before being spotted by a Coast Guard plane and rescued; when the abandoned jet-ski washed up on shore on the island of Lanai, he went over to fetch it and drove it back home again. Stunt coordinator Norman Howell succumbed to decompression sickness during filming of an underwater scene and was rushed to a hospital in Honolulu by helicopter. He recovered fairly quickly from the potentially life-threatening sickness and returned to the set two days later. Tina Majorino was nicknamed "Jellyfish Candy" by Costner after she was stung three different times by jellyfish during production.

Mark Isham's score was reportedly rejected by Costner because it was "too ethnic and bleak", contrasting the film's futuristic and adventurous tone; James Newton Howard was brought in to write the new score. Joss Whedon flew out to the set to do last minute rewrites on the script and later described it as "seven weeks of hell".

There was one clear winner of the film's production: the state of Hawaii, which had more than $35 million dollars poured into its state economy as a result of the colossal film production.

Rumours abound that, after the filming ran notoriously over-budget, Kevin Costner fired Kevin Reynolds as director and shot the last few scenes himself. Other rumours suggest Reynolds was not fired, but simply walked off set with two weeks of filming left. Their previously acclaimed partnership ended with this film.


Inspired by racing trimarans built by Jeanneau Advanced Technologies' multi-hull division Lagoon; a custom 60 foot (18 m) yacht was designed by Marc Van Peteghem & Vincent Lauriot-Prevost, and built in France by Lagoon. Two versions were built, 1) a relatively standard racing trimaran for distance shots, and 2) a effects-laden transforming trimaran for closeup shots, and the aforementioned transformation. The first trimaran was launched on 2 April 1994, and first surpassed 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) in September of that year.

The transforming version was first seen in the film as a sort of raft with a three-bladed egg-beater windmill. When needed levers could be triggered that would flatten the windmill blades while raising a hidden mast to full racing height. This was followed by revealing a boom previously hidden in the hull, and automated unfurling of the two sails. Once the transformation was complete this version could actually sail, although not as well as the dedicated racer.

The first boat is stored in a lake at Universal Studios Florida, and the second is in private hands in San Diego, California.

Box office and reception

Problems encountered during filming led to massive budget overrun, and it held the dubious distinction of being the most expensive film ever made at the time. Some critics dubbed it "Fishtar" and "Kevin's Gate" (references to the notorious flops Ishtar and Heaven's Gate).

With a budget of $175 million, the film grossed a mere $88 million at the U.S. box office, which seemed to make it the all time box office bomb. Adjusted for inflation and expressed in 2006 dollars (USD), the budget for the movie was $231.6 million, and grossed $116.8 million at the U.S. box office.

The film, however, did much better overseas, with $176 million at the foreign box office (for a total of $264 million), and good VHS and later DVD sales.

Contemporary reviews for the film were mixed, and varied widely. Roger Ebert said of Waterworld: "The cost controversy aside, Waterworld is a decent futuristic action picture with some great sets, some intriguing ideas, and a few images that will stay with me. It could have been more, it could have been better, and it could have made me care about the characters. It's one of those marginal pictures you're not unhappy to have seen, but can't quite recommend."

After bringing some disappointing numbers in the U.S., the film was nominated for 4 Razzie Awards including Worst Picture, Worst Actor (Kevin Costner) and Worst Director, with Dennis Hopper winning the award as Worst Supporting Actor.


A tie-in novel of the film was released to coincide with the movie's opening, which was written by Max Allan Collins and published by Arrow Books Ltd. The novelization goes into much greater detail regarding the world of the film, and closes many of the apparent plot holes therein.

Comic Books

A sequel comic book four issue mini-series titled Waterworld: Children of Leviathan was released by Acclaim Comics in 1997. Kevin Costner did not permit his likeness to be used for the comics, thus the Mariner looks uniquely original. In the story we learn a little about the Mariner's back-story as he gathers clues about where he came from and why he's different from others.

Extended cut

The initial filmed script ran at over five hours. The original director's cut of the film was trimmed and submitted to the studio at a length of around three hours. But most of it was then trimmed down again by the studio and Kevin Costner against the wishes of director Kevin Reynolds to a running length of 136 minutes, and Costner re-shot or re-edited some major plot points.

It wasn't until 1998 that the ABC network premiered Waterworld as a two-night event with an additional 40 minutes of footage that was never seen during its theatrical run. These additional scenes make for a more solid cohesion of the film and fill some previous plot holes. However, despite being much longer than the theatrical cut, the ABC cut was heavily edited for language, violence, action, some nudity. Some examples of this are:

* the opening shot of the Mariner urinating;
* the shot in which the Mariner shoots the gatesman of the atoll (Rick Aviles) through the foot with a harpoon gun;
* Helen's undressing on the Mariner's triamaran;
* the shot where the gunner of the smoker airplane is speared through the chest by the harpoon gun;
* the shot where the Mariner crushes the smoker referred to as "Smitty" (Robert LaSardo) with a jet-ski.

All of these, and more, were omitted in the ABC cut, as the cut was to be shown on television whereby minors may see it. Swear words are replaced with less offensive words such as "toilet" and "slimeball." The picture quality of the ABC cut was also poorer than the theatrical cut.

Despite these heavy edits, this 177-minute version was praised by fans of the film for the previously-unseen footage it contained and was widely bootlegged, and increased in popularity over the years, as the extended cut was syndicated on stations like Bravo, USA, and AMC. However, most of these stations only included 20 to 30 minutes of the extra footage, and not the full 40 minutes or so of the extended ABC cut. Scenes were still missing, especially excluding the Mount Everest ending in some broadcasts. It wasn't shown in its entirety until the full ABC cut, with commercials, was finally seen on SCI FI. The SCI FI cut remains the most complete cut of the film to date.

After many petitions and pleas from Waterworld fans, Universal reissued it in November 2008 on DVD in a two-disc set. Despite being void of extras, except the theatrical trailer, this contained a new anamorphic widescreen transfer and the extended cut. Fans were disappointed to find that the extended cut, despite being in a widescreen format, was actually a transfer of the ABC cut, which was itself heavily edited for profanity and violence and had a poorer quality of picture, rather than the unedited and major restoration-cut that fans had hoped for.

There remains to be released a major restoration of the film which is not subject to heavy edits.

Additional scenes

The original cut of Waterworld contained many additional character developments, and contributed less confusion to the film. Most of these are included in the first broadcast on ABC and syndicated versions of the extended cut, but some scenes are missing or dropped to fill in a three-hour block with commercials during such broadcasts. This was the version that was syndicated, until the Sci-Fi Channel picked the rights to air the full cut. Here is a detailed highlight of what was added:

* Prior to the Mariner's arrival at the atoll, an elderly drifter with long white hair and beard is shown outside the gates to the city, and wants to barter his hair for a small portion of hydro. The guards do not grant him entrance, as they say they already have enough traders, just as they do at first with the Mariner.

* After the Mariner shows the guards of the atoll his gadgets and jar of dirt and is permitted entry, shots are added of the guards blasting the other drifters at the gates with giant water hoses, or perhaps fire hoses, to prevent them from also entering as the Mariner is let in.

* A slightly longer version of the bank scene, where the Mariner grabs all the chits and leaves an amazed crowd.

* The bar scene is much longer, and it begins with an additional moment of a barfly telling Helen how impressive the Mariner's dirt is. This includes a new shot of the Mariner approaching, and more footage of him buying more hydro. Plus, the Nord has more lines (speaking some lines in Norwegian). It is clearer that the Nord suspects the Mariner of being a mutant. Enola's tattoo is seen more clearly for a few more seconds.

* When a family offers the Mariner their daughter, there is an additional line from an elder explaining that when a member of the atoll dies, they gain the social right to give birth to another family member, making the barter more clear.

* A new scene where a trial on the Mariner is held. At a night meeting, an atoller shows some of the items they confiscated from the Mariner's ship, which are in fact various gadgets from the previous civilization, and gives a negative interpretation for each one, believing the Mariner to be a murderer and a Smoker spy. The atollers believe a yo yo is garotte wire, a ThighMaster to be a torture device, and a clarinet to be spy surveillance equipment. Helen defends the Mariner, knowing that he might know where Dryland is. Helen claims that they need to find Dryland fast, if it does indeed exist, as their atoll is dying, their way of life ending, and many other similar atolls have died out. The Mariner may be the only one capable of leading them to Dryland. But, the council ignores her pleas and decide the Mariner's fate. They also bay for the blood of Enola, as they have heard the rumour that the smokers are looking for her.

* A bunch of kids menace the Mariner and tease him with a fish. However, this backfires, as he scares them off. This cuts into a scene where Gregor calculates the meaning of Enola's tattoo, but finds himself cornered again. Helen shows up, and there is more dialogue between the two, as Helen fears that the atollers may eventually set them all adrift.

* The attack on the Atoll is much longer, with more footage of the Atollers preparing for the assault (including the use of the sharp bills of swordfish as melee weapons), Gregor assembling the flying machine, a woman demanding they give Enola over to the Smokers and her death, and Gregor, trying to mount the flying machine, runs up the stairs and leaps onto it.

* The Deacon arrives at the remains of the atoll, as Smokers are raiding the water supply and cutting down trees with chain saws. His record-keeper reports to him on the spoils of the raid, much to the disappointment of the Deacon, who feels that the previous attacks were more "worthy." When told the atoll contains no cigarettes or ammunition, the Deacon states that they are savages. He also states that his "crusade" is coming to an end, as there are barely any atolls left to plunder.

* An added scene where the Deacon summarizes the origin of the world in a sermon, stating that the world was made as a ball of water by God and how mutations can't be possible as the concept of evolution is false, all whilst interrogating the two prisoners. The smokers say amen at the conclusion of the Deacon's sermon.

* A shot of the Mariner fixing the bullet holes beneath the water line is followed by additional dialogue between him and Helen, and added footage of Enola exploring the lower deck of the Trimaran.

* A scene where the Mariner makes some fresh hydro, and waters his plant. He explains that he doesn't make hydro out of seawater because it is harder on the filters. With some left, he gives it to Enola, after Helen asks for it, who in return thanks the Mariner with a hug. Enola also thanks him for not throwing her and Helen overboard to save his hydro. The Mariner responds by shoving Enola aside, and Helen warns Enola to stay away from him.

* After the airplane assault, there is a much longer version of the Deacon and the Nord plotting to capture the Mariner, which includes more lines from Jack Black's character, the smoker airplane pilot, who is upset over the death of his friend, Ed the airplane gunner. He refers to Helen as "the atoll witch". It is also made clearer that the Deacon wants to capitalize the newfound land and convert it into a resort, and we see a drawing of it. (This scene was split into two parts, with the second half ending the first part of the ABC TV cut.)

* Prior to the bizarre Drifter's arrival, a sequence is added where the Mariner is eating a tomato, with Helen and Enola watching in hunger.

* The scene where the Mariner fishes is presented as a separate scene, where Helen teases him, saying that he "can't fish."

* The scene where Helen and the Mariner talk by moonlight is much longer, with a CD player the Mariner has repaired to working order playing jazz music in the background. Helen explains that she isn't Enola's mother, and how she found Enola in a basket floating on the waves. The basket was also filled with dirt far darker and richer then any she had seen before, and so she believes Enola must have come from "Dryland", along with this dirt. The other atollers wanted to shove Enola back out to sea as they wouldn't allow for another citizen, but in her compassion Helen promised the elders that she would raise Enola as her own and forfeit the right to have her own child instead. The Mariner doesn't understand this, and says that his only ever friend is his boat, which will never lie to him, or cut his throat when he is asleep. Helen says she pities him, so the Mariner looks up the meaning of the word in an issue of National Geographic magazine, where the definition of pity is given as the name of a bushman, leaving the Mariner even more confused.

* After the scene at the border outpost where the Mariner was shot, it is made clear that the place the Mariner was heading was a slaver colony, and that his plan was to sell Helen and Enola to them. Helen realizes this, and tells the Mariner there is nothing human about him, and he should have been killed at birth. The Mariner responds by saying "they tried".

* After finding Enola, the Nord presents the Deacon with the Mariner's National Geographic issues, and they all marvel at the pictures of Dryland.

* The scene where the Deacon talks to Enola is longer, as he explains that the smokers are growing in number and that he needs more land in order to continue his development, with what he calls his "church of eternal growth", and also his desire to make roads and highways. Enola suggests "making" fewer people and limiting the population to a steady number like in the atolls. (This would have caused controversy with various religions, and is possibly why this scene got cut.) The scene also ends with the Deacon ordering Enola chained up, while she screams that the Mariner will come to save her.

* A scene is deleted and moved to a later spot, where the Mariner is looking over the remains of his ship, and finally realizes that Enola may know where Dryland is. Instead, a scene is inserted where Helen claims she can't go any further, but the Mariner won't quit. It then cuts to a shot of Gregor's ship flying in the clouds, following the smoke, and discovering the two, explaining how he found them.

* About 4–5 minutes of footage is restored, where the group joins the New Atoll, and Helen is having a hard time convincing them to save Enola. The Mariner doesn't want to save her, and returns to the Trimaran wreckage. There, he sees Enola's drawings, and compares them to a National Geographic issue. He finally realizes that she does know where Dryland is. He returns to the New Atoll to find two Smokers terrorizing the group. He dispatches them, lights one of the jet-skis on fire, which creates a fire trail leading to the Deez. This explains how he managed to get a jet-ski and locate the Deez in the theatrical cut of the film.

* In the above added footage, it is made clearer that a pole shift has occurred in the planet, turning the world upside down.

* After crashing into the smoker referred to as "Smitty" (Robert LaSardo) with a jet-ski while docking inside the Deez, two Smokers appear and menace the Mariner for a moment. They then change tune and congratulate the Mariner for killing Smitty, seeing how annoyed they were with Smitty, and not realizing the Mariner isn't a smoker like them (this may be because the Mariner is wearing goggles he took off Horse, a smoker he drowned in the water.) One of these smokers, Djeng, celebrates that, due to the fact Smitty is dead, he is now in charge of the lower decks of the Deez. Djeng is played by Lee Arenberg, who later went on to have a large part in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.

* As the Mariner is climbing up the inside of the Deez, there is an added sequence whereby the Mariner notices a loudspeaker playing the Deacon's speech, as the Deacon is talking about settling, building on and capitalizing on "Dryland". The Mariner is startled for a moment, not knowing what the speaker is, and thinking thr Deacon is in close proximity. Realizing the speaker is the source of the voice, the Mariner responds by hacking it to pieces with a machete.

* Before telling the two Smokers to drive into Enola, the Deacon yells, "If I can't have Dryland, no one will!!!"

* After rescuing Enola, Gregor reveals a map he discovered, which he uses to direct the airship to Dryland, also with the use of a sextant.

* There is much more dialogue in the final scene. Before the Mariner leaves, the enforcer shakes the Mariner's hand, saying that is all he has, and the Mariner replies "it is enough". Gregor gives the Mariner dirt, and says don't trade it all at once at another atoll, and then says maybe he should, and then come back for more dirt. Helen pleads with the Mariner to stay, but he refuses, saying he doesn't belong on land. When Helen asks what the Mariner is looking for out at sea, the Mariner says he wants to look for more of his kind, because Gregor said it is likely there are more mutants out at sea. He also says that Helen is responsible for finding Dryland, because she never gave up hope. If he finds any other humans at sea, he will tell them about Helen and her story of courage, and where to find Dryland. Helen's gift to the Mariner is not something he can trade with, which the Mariner states would be the first such free thing in Waterworld. She gives him a name, "Ulysses", because, like the legendary warrior, she hopes he will one days return to them from his wanderings out at sea. The Mariner states that it is a good name.

* In the original ending, while watching the Mariner leave from a hill, Helen and Enola uncover a worn plaque that reveals Dryland to be the summit of Mount Everest. This is the very same plaque laid down by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on 29 May 1953, the first time the summit was reached. This ending to Waterworld was only seen once during its 1998 broadcast premiere on ABC. It was cut from other syndicated airings, until the Sci-Fi Channel restored it, when they aired the full cut.

Universal Studios Theme Parks

There is currently a show at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Japan based on the film. It takes place immediately after the movie, where Helen returns to the Atoll with proof of dry land, only to find herself followed by the Deacon, who survived the events of the movie. The Mariner arrives immediately after him, however, and defeats the Deacon and takes Helen back to dry land while the Atoll explodes.

Video game

The Waterworld video game based on the movie was released on Super Nintendo, Virtual Boy and PC. While the Super Nintendo and Virtual Boy version were released by Ocean Software, the PC version was released by Interplay. The game received negative reviews as well as the Virtual Boy Game being marked as the worst Virtual Boy game ever released out of the 22 games in its short life.

Gottlieb Amusements (Premier) release a pinball machine in 1995 that is based on the movie.

In an episode of The Simpsons, Milhouse is playing a Waterworld arcade game costing 40 quarters for one step, mocking the cost overruns of the movie.

More aboutWaterworld

Apa Jadinya Piala Dunia Tanpa Argentina?

Mimpi Buruk Argentina dan Piala Dunia

Apa jadinya Piala Dunia tanpa Argentina? Jawaban pastinya, sebuah mimpi buruk! Seperti kata Kaka, bintang Brasil yang kini bermain untuk Real Madrid, Piala Dunia adalah pesta bola paling agung yang harus diikuti tim-tim terbaik di dunia. ”Piala Dunia tanpa Argentina pastilah bukan pesta yang meriah,” ujar Kaka.

Namun, seperti kekhawatiran semua pencinta sepak bola, kita barangkali akan kehilangan indahnya tarian tango di Piala Dunia mendatang di Afrika Selatan (Afsel). Saat tulisan ini dinaikkan, Argentina hampir kehilangan peluang ke Afsel setelah kalah 0-1 dari tuan rumah Paraguay di Stadion Defensores del Chaco, Asuncion.

Sepanjang ingatan kita pada kehebatan sepak bola Argentina, tidak akan pernah terbayangkan Piala Dunia tanpa mereka. Selama 40 tahun terakhir, ajang olahraga terbesar bagi umat manusia itu selalu dihebohkan oleh energiknya tarian tango, dan tentu saja rancaknya goyangan samba Brasil.

Ironisnya, semua kekhawatiran ini bermula dari Diego Armando Maradona, legenda, pahlawan, bahkan manusia yang disetarakan dengan dewa oleh orang Argentina. Sejak secara mengejutkan ditunjuk sebagai pelatih tim nasional, November tahun lalu, Argentina tiga kali kalah dari lima laga kualifikasi Piala Dunia, di antaranya dihancurkan Bolivia, 1-6, di ketinggian kota La Paz. Dan kekalahan 1-3 melawan Brasil di Rosario, Sabtu lalu, membuat tim Maradona berada di tubir jurang.

Bayang-bayang Piala Dunia tanpa kehadiran Argentina segera mengambang di pelupuk mata.

Sebagai pemain, ”kedewaan” Maradona yang tumbuh di wilayah kumuh di Buenos Aires itu tak perlu dipertanyakan lagi. Namun, sebagai pelatih, reputasi Maradona memang meragukan. Dia hanya punya pengalaman seujung kuku saat menangani klub tingkat provinsi Deportivo Mandiyu, sebelum melatih Racing Club, juga klub medioker.

Banyak orang mengernyitkan alisnya saat Presiden Asosiasi Sepak Bola Argentina Julio Grondona memintanya menangani tim ”Tango”. Reputasi Maradona sebagai pemakai kokain dan beberapa kali masuk rumah sakit khusus penderita stres membuat keraguan makin menyeruak. Sebagian khawatir, tingkat tekanan yang intens sebagai pelatih timnas akan memicu kembalinya Maradona ke masa-masa suram seperti beberapa tahun lalu.

Namun, Grondona bergeming. Dia hanya menunjuk Carlos Bilardo untuk mendampingi Maradona yang masih menderita obesitas sampai sekarang. Bilardo adalah pelatih yang bersama sang kapten Maradona memenangi Piala Dunia 1986 di Meksiko. Namun, Bilardo tak bisa berbuat banyak. Aksesnya ke pemain sangat dibatasi. Maradona tetap menjadi nakhoda utama pasukan Tango. Sejak berkuasa, Maradona mencoba tak kurang dari 62 pemain dan tak kunjung menemukan formasi paling ideal.

Sebagai ”dewa”, Maradona tak bisa dibantah meski secara pribadi dia sangat dekat dengan pemain-pemainnya. Dia kemudian berseteru dengan Juan Roman Riquelme, playmaker dan salah satu gelandang paling berpengalaman. Riquelme mengkritik gaya permainan arahan Maradona yang tidak sesuai dengan karakter cepat dan keras khas Argentina. Riquelme kemudian mundur dari timnas dan bersumpah tak ingin lagi bergabung selama Maradona masih berkuasa.

Namun, kehilangan Riquelme bukanlah masalah yang teramat rumit bagi Maradona dan juga Argentina. Dengan segudang pemain berkualitas tinggi di tiap lini, mereka tak seharusnya berada dalam posisi genting seperti sekarang.

Sebenarnya ini bukan kali pertama nasib Argentina begitu gawat. Tahun 1985, Argentina hanya ditolong gol menit terakhir saat menahan imbang Peru, 2-2, pada laga akhir kualifikasi. Mereka kemudian lolos dari lubang jarum untuk menjadi juara di Meksiko 1986. Di ajang itu, Maradona tampil memukau, mengecoh lima pemain Inggris, termasuk kiper Peter Shilton, setelah sebelumnya mencetak gol ”Tangan Tuhan” yang fenomenal.

Tahun 1990, Maradona kembali menjadi tokoh sentral di tim Tango. Ia memancing kemarahan publik Italia setelah mengalahkan pasukan ”Azzurri” di semifinal di Stadion San Paolo, Napoli. Uniknya, kala itu penonton San Paolo lebih ”memihak” Argentina ketimbang Italia. Maklum, Maradona sudah menjadi ”Santo”, orang suci bagi penduduk Napoli. Maradona dan timnya kemudian ”dikerjai” pada laga final dan kemenangan direbut Jerman.

Tahun 1994, Argentina kembali dalam kondisi kritis pada kualifikasi. Maradona yang praktis sudah pensiun diminta kembali ke tim untuk laga play-off melawan Australia. Terbukti Maradona kemudian menjadi penyelamat dan meloloskan Argentina ke putaran final di Amerika Serikat.

Di AS, tim Argentina terguncang hebat. Menjelang laga terakhir kualifikasi grup, Maradona terbukti menggunakan doping. Ia dikeluarkan dari tim, tetapi reputasinya sebagai pemain genius tak pernah pudar. Bahkan, setelah bolak-balik dirawat akibat kecanduan obat bius, nama Maradona tetap diucapkan dengan penuh rasa hormat. Di Buenos Aires, terutama di wilayah-wilayah kumuh, gambar wajah dan kostum nomor 10-nya mudah ditemukan di setiap sudut jalan.

Maka, meskipun mimpi buruk Piala Dunia 2010 benar-benar terjadi, reputasi Maradona tak akan pernah hancur. Kehebatannya di lapangan hijau selalu menjadi penyelamatnya. Kalaupun Argentina untuk pertama kalinya dalam 40 tahun absen di Piala Dunia, Maradona tetaplah sang idola. Sementara itu, jika Argentina bisa lolos ke Afsel, apalagi kemudian menjadi juara, itu semua hanyalah konfirmasi akan ”kedewaan” Maradona.

Kita hanya berharap mimpi buruk Piala Dunia tanpa Argentina tidak akan pernah terjadi.

Sumber :

>>> Hantu Mengerikan Muncul di Jepang ( Serem - Video ! ) <<<
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Waste heat

Waste heat

Waste heat refers to heat produced by machines, electrical equipment and industrial processes for which no useful application is found, and is regarded as a waste by-product. When produced by humans, or by human activities, it is a component of anthropogenic heat, which additionally includes unintentional heat leakage, such as from space heating. Waste heat is thought by some to contribute to the urban heat island effect. The biggest point sources of waste heat originate from machines such as electrical generators or industrial processes, such as steel or glass production. The burning of transport fuels is a major contribution to waste heat.

Conversion of energy

Machines for conversion of energy contained in fuels to mechanical work or electric energy necessarily produce large quantities of the heat as a by-product


The largest proportions of total waste heat are from power stations and vehicle engines. The largest single sources are power stations and industrial plants such as oil refineries and steelmaking plants.

Power generation

The electrical efficiency of thermal power plants, defined as the ratio between the input and output energy, is typically only 30%.

Industrial processes

Industrial processes, such as oil refining steelmaking or glassmaking are major sources of waste heat.


Although small in terms of power, the disposal of waste heat from microchips and other electronic components, represents a significant engineering challenge. This necessitates the use of fans, heatsinks, etc. to dispose of the heat.


Animals, including humans, create heat as a result of metabolism. In warm conditions, this heat exceeds a level required for homeostasis in warm-blooded animals, and is disposed of by various thermoregulation methods such as sweating and panting. Fiala et al. modelled human thermoregulation.


It is often difficult to find useful applications for large quantities of low temperature heat energy, so the heat is qualified as waste heat and rejected to the environment. Economically most convenient is the rejection of such heat to water from a sea, lake or river. If sufficient cooling water is not available, the plant has to be equipped with a cooling tower to reject the waste heat into the atmosphere.



Waste of the by-product heat is avoided if a cogeneration system is used, also known as combined heat and power. Limitations to the use of by-product heat arise due to difficulties in heat transport and storage. Applications for waste heat include swimming pool heating, paper mills and cold chain logistics (by the use of Absorption refrigerators).

Electrification of waste heat

The organic Rankine cycle is a electricity generation process where an organic substance is used as working medium instead of water. The benefit is that this process can utilise lower temperatures for the production of electricity than the regular water steam cycle. By help of ORC-modules it is possible to turn this previously wasted energy economically into electricity.

Anthropogenic heat

Anthropogenic heat is heat generated by humans and human activity. The American Meteorological Society defines it as "Heat released to the atmosphere as a result of human activities, often involving combustion of fuels. Sources include industrial plants, space heating and cooling, human metabolism, and vehicle exhausts. In cities this source typically contributes 15–50 W m−2 to the local heat balance, and several hundred W m−2 in the center of large cities in cold climates and industrial areas."

Estimates of anthropogenic heat generation can be made by totaling all the energy used for heating and cooling, running appliances, transportation, and industrial processes, plus that directly emitted by human metabolism.

Environmental impact

AH is a small influence on rural temperatures, and becomes more significant in dense urban areas. It is one contributor to urban heat islands. Other human-caused effects (such as changes to albedo, or loss of evaporative cooling) that might contribute to urban heat islands are not considered to be anthropogenic heat by this definition.

Anthropogenic heat is a much smaller contributor to global warming than are greenhouse gases. In 2005, although anthropogenic waste heat flux was significantly high in certain urban areas (and can be high regionally. For example, waste heat flux was +0.39 and +0.68 W/m2 for the continental United States and western Europe, respectively) globally it accounted for only 1% of the energy flux created by anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Global forcing from waste heat was 0.028 W/m2 in 2005. This statistic is predicted to rise as urban areas become more widespread.

Although waste heat has been shown to have influence on regional climates, climate forcing from waste heat is not normally calculated in state-of-the-art global climate simulations.

More aboutWaste heat

Puisi Priangan Si Jelita – Ramadhan K H

Puisi Priangan Si Jelita – Ramadhan K H

Berikut ini adalah puisi karya Ramadhan K H Dengan judul PrianganSi Jelita. Puisi ini bertemakan tentang keindahan alam, gadis-gadis , bukit dan gunung di daerah priangan. Semoga Puisi Priangan Si Jelita ini, menginspirasikan kita semua.

Priangan Si Jelita

Seruling berkawan pantun,
Tangiskan derita orang priangan,
Selendang merah, merah darah
Menurun di Cikapundung.

Bandung, dasar di danau
Lari bertumpuk di bukit-bukit.

Seruling menyendiri di tepi-tepi
Tangiskan keris hilang di sumur
Melati putih, putih hati,
Hilang kekasih dikata gugur.

Bandung, dasar di danau
Derita memantul di kulit-kulit.

Karya: Ramadhan K H
More aboutPuisi Priangan Si Jelita – Ramadhan K H

Negara Kaya Justru Paling Pelit !

Dari setiap 10 Euro pendapatan usaha yang dihasilkan, negara-negara industri kaya berjanji memberikan 7 sennya untuk pembangunan global. Tidak banyak, menurut sejumlah pihak, dan itu tidak mencapai sasaran.

Negara-negara terkaya memberi paling sedikit bantuan pembangunan secara prosentual. Karena, jumlah yang diambil dari pendapatan kotor nasional yang dapat membuat perbedaan.

"0,7 persen ini dijanjikan Eropa akan dicairkan hingga 2015. Ini dapat membuat perubahan besar. Mungkin Eropa akan menepati janjinya, tapi janji itu sangat sering diucapkan sehingga muncul pertanyaan, apakah yang akan mereka lakukan, apakah mereka serius, dan apakah mereka akan menepatinya,” kata Jeffrey Sachs.

Ekonom AS Jeffrey Sachs sejak lama menjadi penasihat PBB urusan sasaran pembangunan milenium. Dia tidak lelah menegaskan sangat sedikitnya jumlah 0,7 persen itu, yaitu tujuh sen dari 10 Euro atau Dollar yang didapatkan.

Saat ini terdapat lima negara Eropa yang tidak saja mencapai sasaran, tapi juga melebihi, yaitu Swedia, Denmark, Belanda dan Luksemburg. Irlandia hampir mencapai 0,7 persen sasaran. Sementara itu sejumlah negara Uni Eropa masih berada jauh di bawah 0,5 persen. Amerika Serikat dan Jepang juga masih belum mencapai 0,3 persen. Dengan terjadinya krisis keuangan global, tampaknya pencapaian sasaran pembangunan milenium semakin jauh.

Masalahnya tidak hanya jumlah, tapi terutama bagaimana dana itu disalurkan, demikian ditekankan wakil pimpinan Institut Penelitian Politik Pembangunan Jerman DIE, Imme Scholz. Katanya, "Aspek ketiga adalah pembangunan tidak dapat dibeli seperti itu. Ini juga merpuakan pengalaman yang dapat kami lalkukan setelah 40 tahun, bahwa menyediakan uang dan pengetahuan tidak cukup, jika tidak dapat mempercayakannya pada mitra di negara berkembang yang memiliki motivasi dan bersikap strategis."

Karena jika tidak hanya diukur dengan uang, lembaga penelitian Pusat Pembangunan Global atau CGD mempublikasikan indeks kerja sama pembangunan internasional berdasarkan hasil studi.

Terdapat tujuh faktor yang diukur, yaitu bantuan langsung pembangunan, perdagangan, investasi, migrasi, lingkungan, keamanan dan teknologi. Dalam laporan lembaga penelitian CGD ini, negara-negara ekonomi maju berada di peringkat di bawah sepuluh.

Jerman, misalnya, berada di posisi 12 bersama Perancis dan Inggris. Nilai plusnya terutama investasi di negara dunia ketiga, komponen lingkungan politik pembangunan dan kesiapan untuk menerima pengungsi kemanusiaan.

Nilai minusnya adalah halangan impor produk pertanian dari negara dunia ketiga, kurangnya keterlibatan dalam misi perdamaian internasional dan rendahnya tingkat transfer teknologi.

Inggris, di bidang investasi dan politik lingkungan, juga berada di posisi yang cukup baik. Namun Inggris berada di peringkat rendah di bidang transfer teknologi dan politik pengungsi. Terutama karena ekspor senjata ke negara-negara tidak demokratis seperti Pakistan dan Arab Saudi.

Perancis juga mengalami masalah yang serupa. Negara ini merupakan pengekspor terbesar dunia dalam menyediakan senjata ke negara-negara totaliter. Secara umum, menurut laporan itu, negara-negara G-7, atau negara-negara terkaya dunia, mendapatkan nilai buruk.

Helle Jeppesen/Luky Setyarini

Editor: Asril Ridwan

Yau De Fen - Wanita Raksasa dari Asia ( Video !)
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Situs Kiamat 2012 Milik Sony Menghebohkan Dunia !

Heboh kiamat yang diisukan terjadi tahun 2012 kian panas. Ini membuat Sony coba memanfaatkan momentum dengan memproduksi film bertajuk 2012.

Demi menggalakkan promosi, mereka membuat situs khusus yang tak dinyana, malah memicu kepanikan.

Sony membesut situs organisasi rekaan yang disebut Institute for Human Continuity (IHC) untuk persiapan rilis film 2012.

Situs ini memang tampak sangat realistis yang mengklaim bahwa berdasarkan penelitian, kiamat memang bakal terjadi tahun 2012 sehingga manusia harus bersiap-siap.

Situs IHC memperkirakan, di tahun 2012 rentetan kekuatan besar akan menimbulkan malapetakan di bumi. Agar tampak makin realistis, situs ini menawarkan perangkat keselamatan pada orang-orang, bahkan merencanakan akan seperti apa hidup manusia sesudah tahun 2012.

Terkait kepanikan yang terjadi, lembaga antariksa NASA bahkan sampai turun tangan dan membantah klaim kiamat bakal terjadi tahun 2012. Mereka juga menyayangkan adanya film 2012 berikut situs promosinya yang bikin cemas masyarakat.

David Morrison selaku ilmuwan senior di NASA's Astrobiology Institute mengaku menerima sekitar 1000 email dari orang yang meyakini kiamat akan menghancurkan bumi. Bahkan beberapa email datang dari remaja yang mengaku berniat bunuh diri daripada menghadapi kiamat.

Sedangkan pihak Sony tak mau dipersalahkan dan menyatakan kalau sangat jelas situs tersebut hanya ditujukan untuk promosi film 2012.

"Sangat jelas bahwa situs ini berhubungan dengan film fiksi. Ini bisa dibaca dalam logo yang ada di situs," kilah Vikki Luya, Sony's Publicity Director seperti dilansir oleh FoxNews,

>>> Hantu Mengerikan Muncul di Jepang ( serem - Video ! ) <<<
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